Kinect disneyland adventures ride steamboat
Kinect disneyland adventures ride steamboat

Timothy tells Dumbo in order to get his mother out, he must become a star. After a failed attempt to bribe him with a peanut, Timothy earns Dumbo's trust when he says that working together, they may free his mother. Afterward, he goes to try to cheer Dumbo up, but the little elephant is also scared of him. Despite the danger that he could have been easily squished by the much larger creatures, Timothy boldly tells them off, and the elephants react in disgust and cringe at a mouse. The little elephant walks away sadly, and Timothy, upset by the elephants' cruelty, walks into their midst. They mention that they do not blame her and that it was all the fault of Dumbo, with "ears only a mother could love." Timothy voices to himself that he finds the ears cute, and watches as Dumbo approaches the other elephants, who give him the cold shoulder. He eats out of a discarded bag of peanuts, looking with mild scorn at the other circus elephants while they gossip about Mrs. In the film, Timothy appears after Dumbo's mother is taken away and locked up in solitary confinement.

kinect disneyland adventures ride steamboat

Because of their relationship and the absence of a paternal figure in Dumbo's life, Timothy has been cited by animation historian John Canemaker, as one of Dumbo's surrogate father figures. After seeing the poor elephant abused and shunned by the other female elephants, Timothy does not only stand up for him but takes the young elephant under his wing and sticks by his side throughout the entire film, determined to make him happy again and not once giving up hope. It should be noted that all of Timothy's actions in the film are clearly driven by his sympathy for Dumbo. Not only does he acts as Dumbo's manager and motivator, but as his closest friend, and for a while, his only friend. And with the determination that Timothy's famous for, the duo manage to accomplish just that. He cares for Dumbo and truly wants him to succeed in life, save his mother, and prove to the world that he is not some abomination.

kinect disneyland adventures ride steamboat

Timothy acts as the much-needed protector in Dumbo's life, standing up for the saddened elephant when others attack him on account of his abnormally large ears. Throughout the film, however, Timothy's primary goal is to make Dumbo happy and help him rescue his mother, showing a sympathetic quality despite his rough, stereotypically Brooklyn personality. In contrast to the soft and innocent nature of Dumbo, Timothy is brazen, fearless, and shrewd.

Kinect disneyland adventures ride steamboat